- admin_Jayapathics
- Jan 14, 2025
Dangers Of Prescription Drugs
Here are some links to articles of great interest concerning abuse of prescription drugs, today’s mainstream medicine, and the history of homeopathy.
Australia’s addiction to prescription meds is reaching crisis point
Prescription drug induced deaths kill more than illicit drugs as face of Australian addiction is transformed
A million Australians abuse drugs
Substance abuse
Prescription medication the most common cause behind most drug related deaths
Prescription drug abuse to blame for 70 per cent of Australia’s drug-related deaths.
Prescription drug deaths soar
Australia’s annual overdose report 2018 http://www.penington.org.au/australias-annual-overdose-report-2018/
Australia’s overdose deaths are increasing – and the demographics are changing increasing https://www.racgp.org.au/newsGP/Clinical/Australian-drug-overdose-deaths-are-increasing-%E2%80%93-a
Why calling the mainstream medicine mafia is appropriate. http://universeexplorers.com/2017/10/29/why-calling-mainstream-medicine-the-medical-mafia-is-appropriate/
Three Decisions that Shaped Todays Mainstream medicine. https://alignlife.com/articles/stress/three-decisions-that-shaped-todays-mainstream-medicine
The real reason why the AMA wants to destroy Homeopathy https://www.naturalhealth365.com/homeopathy-remedies-western-medicine-1668.html
A condensed history of Homeopathy https://homeopathic.com/a-condensed-history-of-homeopathy/