Increase in the frequency and looseness of stool or both.
Jayapathics™ Constitutional Treatments
Jayapathics™ constitutional treatments are deep acting unique treatment protocols using unique formulations to be taken orally which catalyse the healing process and bring about permanent and more lasting results. It strengthens the constitution thereby changing a sick constitution to a healthy state.
The unique formulations and the treatment protocols is first of its kind in the world. It is capable of wiping off the disease tendencies at a very deep level. The good effects of this treatment can therefore last a lifetime.
Carolyn G –
I had this dreadful diarrhea bloatedness & colic of LYMPHOCYTIC COLITIS for over a year. The doctors offered me anti diarrhea drugs.. The symptom would get exacerbated by anything I ate making life impossible. I was amazed Dr Jaya improved my symptoms from the next day by 50% with her Jayapathics medications .I then continued the Jayapathics constitutional treatment protocols & I consider myself fully CURED. As I am not on the treatment anymore &I continue to be symptom free. I can now eat anything and enjoy all kinds of food with no consequences.