Betty's psoriasis skin issue

Testimonial of a case of cured  psoriasis ( Autoimmune disease)

“The medical prognosis was that I would have this psoriasis for the rest of my life. and it would come & go with the use of steroids. 

Jaya Krishnan has cured me of this, and I would recommend her to anyone suffering from any disease. Her “natural magic “is a blessing not to be ignored.”

Betty Salter

Western Australia

Like millions of others, do you suffer from one of the many autoimmune diseases?

There are over 100 autoimmune conditions ranging from mild to severely disabling, depending on the degree & extent of attack. Autoimmune disease affects 10% of the global population. The most common autoimmune diseases include:

  • Psoriasis Psoriasis affects the skin. Features include the development of thick, reddened skin scales with itching. 
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis – affects the joints. Symptoms include swollen and deformed joints. The eyes, lungs and heart may also be targeted. 
  • Diabetes (Type I) – affects the pancreas. Symptoms include thirst, increased appetite, frequent urination, weight loss and an increased susceptibility to infection. 
  • Graves’ disease – affects the thyroid gland. Symptoms include weight loss, elevated heart rate, anxiety and diarrhoea. 
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis– When your thyroid gland comes under attack from malfunctioning immune cells resulting in the underproduction of thyroxine. – Hypothyroidism.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease – includes ulcerative colitis and possibly, Crohn’s disease. Symptoms include diarrhoea and abdominal pain. 
  • Scleroderma – affects the skin & other structures, causing scar formation. The skin thickens, may ulcerate and joints may become stiff.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus– This is a connective tissue disorder which can affect any system of the body. Features include a characteristic facial rash, depression, weight loss & arthritis. 

The immune system is a highly sophisticated and intricate network of special defence cells that fight infection-causing agents like bacteria & viruses to keep you healthy. Normally, your immune system creates proteins called antibodies that work to protect you against harmful substances such as viruses, bacteria & foreign invaders and toxins. 

The term Autoimmune Disease is used to describe conditions in which the body’s immune defence mechanism which is supposed to defend the body against viruses, bacteria and other invaders, malfunctions, loses the capacity to distinguish between the body’s cells and foreign invaders and launches a misguided internal assault on the cells and tissues of its host, This overwhelmed response causes and perpetuates autoimmune diseases some of which predominantly affect specific organs while others impact multiple systems throughout the body. This betrayal by one’s immune system has proven to be very challenging to treat.

The precise aetiology of autoimmune disorders remains elusive. Although a combination of genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors is implicated, autoimmune diseases are chronic diseases and there is no cure in conventional medicine, 

Although drugs can be real-life savers, their repeated / routine use causes the immune system to either collapse or react with vengeance. 

Conventional treatments with the long-term use of drugs to treat various diseases deplete the body & leave the body weaker. As the body struggles to overcome the bombardment with substances that destroy its cells, ultimately tends to overreact, loses its ability to discriminate, recognises its cells as alien and ends up destroying one’s cells, tissues & organs leaving chaos in its wake.

In my view, the reason autoimmune diseases have become more prevalent these days & are on the rise could be due to the “abuse “of our immune system with drugs. on a routine basis. This contributes to this overwhelming twist in the body’s internal struggle to defend itself. The attempts to control & manage the various symptoms with anti-inflammatory immunosuppressive medications, pain suppressive medications and hormone replacement therapies on a long-term basis with drugs which inherently have adverse side effects. It is like adding fuel to the fire. This leads to the diversity of autoimmune disorders and poses key challenges and threats to the future of human health.

Unlike the antibiotics & drugs used in mainstream medicine which leave the body weaker & depleted, Jayapathics treatments boost one’s immunity and empower the immune system which in its healthy state is protecting the body by constantly fighting off disease-causing bacteria & viruses & toxins everywhere & all the time. 

Acute diseases are the body’s coping mechanism. Unjust intervention leads to chronic disease. It is imperative to understand that the body has the capacity to heal itself and use medicines to assist this natural process rather than work against it with suppressive drugs causing chronic Iatrogenic diseases. Today 75% of all deaths globally are due to chronic disease. This indicates how medical approach has failed us.

Jayapathics  based on the fundamental principles of mind-body medicine & the immutable Nature’s law of cure of  Homeopathy, Jayapathics has dramatically enhanced the science of Homeopathy. Its innovative approach has transformed how chronic autoimmune diseases are treated effectively and gently without the ravaging side effects of drugs.

Jayapathics™ recognizes that a compromised immune system plays a significant role in autoimmune diseases. Jayapathics treatment protocols aim to restore balance by helping to modulate its immune response and prevent further attacks on the body’s tissues. This is an effective alternative to antibiotics and other drugs which contribute to the chaotic malfunction of the immune system, what we now call “autoimmune disease”. Personalized treatment plans target inflammation, a common factor in many autoimmune diseases, to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life with renewed health, rather than attack the bacteria or viruses with drugs. The drugs have inherently ravaging side effects causing a vast number of chronic autoimmune disorders & baffling syndromes affecting millions of people worldwide.

*Jayapathics constitutional treatments are recommended for chronic diseases.

Here is an interesting patient testimonial of a case cured of Hashimotos.

“I suffered from Hashimoto’s for some years after finally, the GPs were able to diagnose it. There were occasions when I would faint at the sporting field and be taken to hospital in an ambulance only to be released from the hospital hours later by the duty doctor to find nothing wrong with me.

The medical drugs I was prescribed initially improved some of my symptoms. However, I was worried about the side effects and I never wanted to take medical drugs or rely on it for the rest of my life, at the same time most of the symptoms continued to manifest regardless of the medication. 

In early 2014, a close family friend handed me a copy of Dr Jaya’s book on the practice of Jayapathics, after reading the testimonials in the book on some of the complex ailments Dr Jaya’s patients were completely cured without any side effects.

I decided to go on Dr Jaya’s treatments, JAYAPATHICS during which I had a couple of blood tests & the results were astonishing! My TSH levels with free T3 and free T4 improved drastically to within the expected Normal Range.

I then decided to completely quit taking medical drugs (Euthyrox) and continued on Dr Jaya’s treatments.

 In early December 2014, I had my blood test, and the results were astonishing! It was an early Christmas gift to me. My TSH with free T3 and free T4 levels is completely normal. & so Dr Jaya advised me to stop her treatments.  I have remained symptom-free now for more than a decade.

I am thankful to GOD that I was introduced to Dr Jaya and Jayapathics.”


Simon Urgine

 * All testimonials are published with the written consent of patients.

The video testimonials on  https://jayapathics.health/testimonial  attest to the success of JAYAPATHICS. Many of the patient cures are nothing short of amazing!


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